“This is a workshop you are going to want to incorporate in your everyday life. Highly recommended!” – Joel
Has your spiritual path been feeling stagnent?
You’re dedicated to your spiritual journey eventhough that first season of awakening you went through was rough. You’ve learned, grown and watched the signs; listened to your intuition and begun to follow the calling of your heart.
But the world is changing and that last meditation, crystal or incense doesn’t seem enough.
I’ve got news for you…YOU’RE HEARING THE CALL OF YOUR ANCESTORS… AND its only going to get stronger and louder.
Your Ancestors are at the core of who you are and how you show up in this world.
For many, that connection has been lost, along with teachings that deepen the connection with ourselves, our community, our environment and the mental wellness that brings.
Working together I help you consciously navigate the ancestral river that exists around you, you open your gifts and repair your personal bridge to the other realms.
“I’ve been telling ANYONE & EVERYONE on a similar journey or with an open mind & heart about Carolina and this workshop. It is a MUST! ” – Laura
Establishing an conscious relationship to your lineage, you...
Deepen your Ancestral connection, by accessing the accumulated ancestral wisdom.
Benefit from the aid and kindness of your Ancestors blessing.
Work with the most significant ally on your spiritual journey.
Access your innate Ancestral protection.
Learn about the gifts of your lineage.
Designed ONLY for someone like you that is truley wanting to deepen your spiritual practice and discover the magic of your lineage, regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey.
Carolina’s indigenous wisdom practices weave practically and purpose to effect changes in your journey from day one.
You’ll connect to your ancestral lineage both physically and spiritually through an easy to follow format that is grounded and approachable.
“It’s impossible to describe how much you learn and grow in this program… ”
Beth (Program Participant)
First step towards re-connecting you to your Ancestral wisdom. The role that your lineage plays in all parts of your physical and spiritual life. And a facilitated journey awaken’s conscious conact to the ancestral realm.
We explore the deep respect and inter-connectedness our Ancestors had to everything and everyone around them. Land spirits and the language of nature when it comes to Ancestral wisdom and warnings.
How ritual and ceremony live on to this day. The importance of spiritual traditions for of mental wellness, and the different ways that you bring Ancestral ritual and ceremony into your life.
Transform our daily routines into meaningful opportunities for connecting with your Ancestors. And how we can work side by side with our forebears on mundane human challenges.
Ancestral inheritances; the good the band and the ugly. How you benefit or are beholden to the consiquences of your ancestors past action and the spiritual perspective that this influences both choices and outcomes in your life today.
How to build your alter and making space, both physically and spiritually for your Ancestors. How to select what is and is not part of the space. And how your Ancestors use it to communicate with you.
What is your Ancestral protection and how to incrimentally build it. What are the allies that you might have inherited from your Ancestors and how best to work with them.
Access to join a LIVE session to bring your questions, share your experiences and receive a greater understanding of the progress you are making on your work with the ancestors.
Hi there! I’m Carolina and I believe that every person can improve from connecting to their lineage. My Ancestors are at the core of how I practice both personally and professionally and I LOVE empowering others to do the same. My approach is animistic; I believe in the holy and reverent connection to spirit in all things.
WHY WORK WITH ME ? Because I have been working with my spirits since childhood and with the public for the last 20 years as a practicing evidentiary psychic-medium, spiritual guide and trained counsellor. My work is informed through the lens of my own cultural background; coming from traditions that have never lost their Ancestral connection and those that have.
I am also registered with The Ontario College of Social Workers & Social Service Workers. I am a consulting medium for Consejo Cultural Yoruba en Canada. And my work has been featured in projects with York University, Art Windsor Essex and The Art Gallery of Hamilton.
+ BONUS Access to join an 8th LIVE session free to bring your questions, share your experiences and receive a greater understanding of the progress you are making on your work with the ancestors.
Access to 8 different workshops, discord channel and all recordings.
Access to 8 different workshops, discord channel and all recordings.
” All thanks to the different channelings of Carolina and her assigned homework. From saying my ancestors names to creating an alter, I even began to recognize messages coming through.”
Mel (Program Participant)
I am very new to my spiritual journey, is this right for me?
Absolutely. Some would say beginning to consciously work with your ancestors is the best foundation for your spiritual practice, as you can begin to access your inherited spiritual gifts. Your ancestral collection of experiences, knowledge and wisdom is already encoded within you. You are walking around with this amazing repository of information which you probably already tap into, unconsciously, on a regular basis; now your just ready to do it on purpose.
I am years into my spiritual journey, is this right for me?
BIG YES! Regardless of how long you have been on this path, the addition of your ancestors is so special and important that the impact cannot be overstated. You are accessing the knowledge and wisdom accumulated over tens of thousands of years and millions of people. You cannot overlook the effect that can have on you.
Are these my ancestors or THE ancestors that we will be working with?
THE ancestors make up the sea wisdom that humanity has collective throughout its history. Your ancestors make up a part of that collective wisdom that is directly related to your lineage. When you tap into work with your ancestors you are tapping into part of that collective wisdom of THE ancestors.
What if I don’t know who my ancestors are?
Ancestors are your closest connection to the spiritual realm. They exists within your genetics and are present in your everyday life. And the hierarchy of your spiritual crew Ancestors reign supreme. You are here because of them and without ancestral approval (whether you seek it or not) you cannot move forward in life. Your ancestors are foundational in your spiritual practice and a critical component to your spiritual progression.
Where do my ancestors fit into my regular spiritual practice?
Ancestors are your closest connection to the spiritual realm. They exists within your genetics and are present in your everyday life. And the hierarchy of your spiritual crew Ancestors reign supreme. You are here because of them and without ancestral approval (whether you seek it or not) you cannot move forward in life. Your ancestors are foundational in your spiritual practice and a critical component to your spiritual progression.
Are these workshops a good fit even if I don’t get along with my real-life family?
A rich and active ancestral practice can be incredibly healing for those that struggle with familial relationships. It can help the deep void left when individuals are estranged from their families. One of the many benefits of understanding the ancestral and genetic patterns that run through your lineage is the context and understanding provided to the family challenges we are sometimes born into. I encourage you to not let this unfortunate reality hold you back from exploring your ancestors and their role in your spiritual life.
I am adopted and don’t know much about my ancestry can I still participate?
Yes, this workshop is for you. Everyone has Ancestors, EVERYONE. Even though you might not know your ancestors, your ancestors know you; they work alongside you as you delve into your roots. The spiritual realm is aware if your efforts and still produces results.
I’m doing fine on my spiritual journey, not sure how this can help?
Everyone can use an ally and your ancestors are your natural and most powerful allies when it comes to the spirit world. It’s the difference between going at it alone vs going at it with people that have walked this journey in the past and make up part of who you are and how your built.
Curandera.ca acknowledges & honors the traditional indigenous land on which we reside and its current living treaty relationships. We are located in Brampton, Canada, which is part of the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit. We also humbly acknowledge the “One Dish One Spoon Wampum” an inter-nation treaty that declared the land as a shared commons and pledged peace and mutual support between the Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee and the Wendat, as well as Ojibway/Chippewa peoples, then much later included French and British settlers. We pay respect to elders past, present and emerging.